- Ta
- Ta tü ta ta die Polizei
- Ta tü ta ta die Polizei
- Ukulele G-C-E-A
- Take My Life And Let It Be
- Take This Hammer
- Take Time To Be Holy
- Taler Taler du musst wandern | Ukulele G–C–E–A
- Taler Taler du musst wandern
- Tall Men Riding
- Tam Glen
- Tam Lin
- Tannenbaum du trägst ein grünen Zweig
- Tannengrün
- Tanz mit mir
- Tanz rüber tanz nüber
- Tanz tanz Quiselche
- Tanzen und Springen Singen und Klingen
- Taps
- Taredartzet shnorhavor
- Tatü tata die Polizei* | Kinderlied von Ferdinand Hirsch
- Tatütata die Polizei*
- Tauet Himmel den Gerechten
- Tb
- Tc
- Td
- Te
- Teddy O’Neill
- Ten Green Bottles
- Ten Green Speckled Frogs
- Ten in the Bed
- Ten Little Indians
- Tengo una muneca
- Tf
- Tg
- Th
- The Alphabet Song
- The angel and the sheperds
- The angel Gabriel
- The animal fair
- The Animals Went In Two By Two
- The Arethusa
- The Ashgrove
- The Babe in Bethlem’s manger laid
- The Babe is born in Bethlehem
- The Bailiff’s Daughter of Islington
- The Band Played On
- The Banks Of The Suir
- The Banks of the Sweet Primroses
- The Banner Of The Cross
- The Bantry Girls Lament
- The Barnyard Song
- The bear went over the mountain
- The Beautiful Garden Of Prayer
- The Bells Of Shandon
- The Big Rock Candy Mountains
- The Big Ship Sails On The Ally-Ally-Oh
- The Bird Song
- The Black Ball Line
- The black decree
- The Blackberry Blossom
- The Blacksmith
- The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power
- The Blue Bells Of Scotland
- The Boar’s Head Carol
- The Bold Pedlar and Robin Hood
- The Bold Princess Royal
- The Bold Soldier
- The Boll Weevil
- The Bonny Lighter Boy
- The Bonny Ship The Diamond
- The boy’s dream
- The Bridal Jig
- The Brink of the White Rocks
- The Buffalo
- The Camptown Races
- The Castle of Dromore
- The Cat Came Back
- The Cat Came Back
- The cherry tree carol
- The Cheshire Man
- The child Jesus in the garden
- The Christmas celebration
- The Church’s One Foundation
- The Cleansing Wave
- The Cliffs Of Dooneen
- The Coasts of High Barbary
- The cock is dead
- The Comforter Has Come
- The Coolin
- The Coolin
- The Cowboy’s Lament
- The Crocodile
- The Crocodile
- The Croppy Boy
- The Cuckoo
- The Cuckoo
- The Cuckoo Madrigal
- The Cuckoo’s Nest
- The Daughters of Erin
- The Dawning of the Day
- The Day Is Past And Over
- The Day Of Resurrection
- The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended
- The Dead Horse
- The Dear Little Shamrock
- The Deceived Girl
- The Derry Hornpipe
- The Dreadnought
- The drunken Sailor
- The Duteous Day Now Closeth
- The Dying Californian
- The Dying Cowboy
- The Dying Rebel
- The Earl Of Moray
- The Earth, With All That Dwell Therein
- The Eastern Gate
- The eency weency spider
- The Erie Canal
- The Escape of Old John Webb
- The Fair Hills Of Eire O!
- The Fair Maid of Islington
- The Farmer in the Dell
- The Farmer’s Curst Wife
- The Farmer’s In His Den
- The Female Highwayman
- The Female Smuggler
- The Fermoy Lasses
- The First Noel
- The first Nowell
- The Fish Of The Sea
- The Flower Of Sweet Strabane
- The Foggy Dew
- The Fox
- The Fox
- The Frozen Logger
- The Galway Piper
- The Girl I Left Behind Me
- The Girls Of Coleraine
- The Glasgow
- The Gloomy Night
- The Goal Of Clonmel
- The Gold Digger’s Song
- The Golden Vanity
- The Grand Old Duke Of York
- The Gravel Walk
- The Great Silkie of Sule Skerry
- The Green Grass Grows All Around
- The Green Grass Grows All Around
- The Hammock
- The heavenly Birth
- The Hills of Kerry
- The Hokey Cokey
- The Hokey Pokey
- The Holly and the Ivy
- The holy well
- The House of the Rising Sun
- The incarnation
- The Irish Exile
- The Irish Girl
- The Irish Rover
- The Isle of France
- The Itsy Bitsy Spider
- The Jam on Gerry’s Rocks
- The Kerry Dance
- The Knight and the Shepherd’s Daughter
- The Lakes Of Pontchartrain
- The Lass of Swansea Town
- The leaving of Liverpool
- The Limerick Song
- The Limerick Song
- The Lincolnshire Farmer
- The Little Skunk’s Hole
- The Little Skunk’s Hole
- The Little Turtle Dove
- The lonesome Road
- The Lord at first did Adam make
- The Lord Will Come And Not Be Slow
- The Lost Child
- The Lost Lady Found
- The Low Low Lands of Holland
- The Magic Mist
- The Maid of Amsterdam
- The manger throne
- The Mermaid
- The Mermaid Song
- The Merry Plough Boy
- The Mill Fairy
- The Moon shines bright
- The morning star
- The Mountains of Mourne
- The Muffin Man
- The Navy Hymn
- The Nightingale
- The Noble Duke of York
- The Nobleman’s Wedding
- The Oak and the Ash
- The Old Chisholm Trail
- The Old Gray Mare
- The Old Gray Mare
- The Outlandish Knight
- The Ox-Eyed Man
- The Parting Glass
- The Ploughboy
- The praise of Christmas
- The Prettiest Girl I Ever Saw
- The Pretty Ploughboy
- The Princess Royal Miss MacDermott
- The Raggle Taggle Gypsies
- The Rakes of Mallow
- The Riddle Song
- The Rio Grande
- The Rising Of The Moon
- The Rose of Tralee
- The Sailor’s Loves
- The salutation carol
- The Saucy sailor
- The Saucy Sailor Boy
- The seven joys of Mary
- The Sheffield Apprentice
- The shepherds amazed
- The shepherds went their hasty way
- The Sign of the Bonny Blue Bell
- The snowy breasted pearl
- The Song Of All Songs
- The Sow Took The Measles
- The Spanish Lady
- The Star of Christmas Morning
- The Star Of The County Down
- The Star-Spangled Banner
- The story of the shepherd
- The Strife Is Over
- The Tarpaulin Jacket
- The Teddy Bears’ Picnic
- The Three Butchers
- The Three Ravens
- The Trappan’d Maiden
- The Trees They Do Grow High
- The True Lover’s Farewell
- The Virgin and Child
- The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy
- The Voices That Are Gone
- The Wagoner’s Lad
- The Waits song
- The Walls of Liscarroll
- The water is wide
- The Well of St. Keyne
- The West Awake
- The Wheels On The Bus
- The Wild Rover
- The Willow Tree
- The Winter it is Past
- The Women All Tell Me
- The Yellow rose of Texas
- The Young Servant Man
- The Young Voyageur
- Thee We Adore, Eternal Lord
- There Is Power In The Blood
- There Was A Crooked Man
- There Was A Crooked Man
- There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
- There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
- There’s A Hole In The Middle Of The Sea
- There’s A Hole In The Middle Of The Sea
- There’s A Little Wheel A-Turnin’
- There’s A Little Wheel A-Turnin’
- There’s a Good Time Coming
- There’s A Hole In My Bucket
- There’s a meeting here tonight
- They crucified my Lord
- They know not my heart
- Thine Is The Glory
- Things About Coming My Way
- This Is The Day
- This is the day
- This Is The Day The Lord Hath Made
- This Joyful Eastertide
- This little light of mine I’m gonna let it shine
- This little piggy
- This new Christmas Carol
- This Old Man
- This old man
- Thomas Leixlip the Proud
- Thou Art the Queen of My Song
- Thou Hidden Source Of Calm Repose
- Thou, Whose Almighty Word
- Three Blind Mice
- Three Blue Pigeons
- Three Drunken Maidens
- Three Fishers
- Three Jolly Fishermen
- Three Little Piggies
- Throned Upon The Awful Tree
- Ti
- Tierlieder A-Z
- Tichánoc svatánoc
- Tief drin im Böhmerwald da liegt mein Heimatort
- Tief im Frankenwald steht ein Bauernhaus
- Tief im Hessenland steht ein Bauernhaus
- Tief im Odenwald steht ein Bauernhaus
- Tief im Pfälzer Wald steht ein Bauernhaus
- Tief im Westerwald steht ein Bauernhaus
- Tiha noć sveta noć
- Tillukku vid fodingardegnum
- Tillykke med fodselsdagen
- Tillykke med fødselsdagen
- Tim Finnegans Wake
- Tj
- Tk
- Tl
- Tm
- Tn
- To
- To Bless The Earth
- To God Be The Glory
- Tochter Zion freue dich
- Tochter Zion
- Tom Dooley
- Tommy Thumb
- Toyland
- Tp
- Tq
- Tr
- Trinklieder A-Z
- Traffic | Musik Video von Ferdinand Hirsch
- Train Is A-Comin’
- Transponieren
- Transponieren Dur-Akkorde
- Transponieren Moll-Akkorden
- Trara das tönt wie Jagdgesang
- Trara die Post ist da trara die Post ist da
- Trarira der Sommer der ist da
- Trarira der Sommer der ist da | Ukulele G–C–E–A
- Tres hojitas
- Trink betrübter totenblasser Wassertrinker
- Trink mer noch ein Tröpfchen
- Trinke nie ein Glas zuwenig
- Trois Petits Chats
- Trouble In Mind
- Trumpet Voluntary Jeremiah Clarke
- Ts
- Tsen brider senen ir gewesn
- Tt
- Tu
- Tüff tüff tüff die Eisenbahn
- Tüff tüff tüff die Eisenbahn | Ukulele G-C-E-A
- Tumbalalaika
- Turkey in the Straw
- Tv
- Tw
- Twas in the winter cold
- Twelve Days Of Christmas
- Twinkle twinkle little star | Ukulele G–C–E–A
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- Ty
- Tykha nich svyata nich
- Tz
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