- B
- Ba
- Baa baa black sheep
- Baby Bumble Bee had a fly upon his nose
- Baby Bumblebee
- Bachelor’s Hall
- Back Home in Derry
- Backe backe Kuchen der Bäcker hat gerufen
- Backwater Blues
- Bäh Lämmchen bäh
- Bájuschki bajú
- Bajuschki Baju | Schlaf mein Kind ich wieg dich leise
- Bald gras ich am Neckar
- Bald ist der Frühling da
- Bald ist es wieder Nacht
- Ballade Nr. 1 Frédéric Chopin
- Ballynamony
- Balm in Gilead
- Banana Boat Song
- Banks Of The Ohio
- Banks of the Ohio | Ukulele G-C-E-A Tuning
- Banks of the Sacramento
- Baptized Into Thy Name Most Holy
- Barbara Allen
- Bateau Ciseau
- Battle Cry of Freedom
- Battle Hymn Of The Republic
- Battle Hymn Of The Republic | Ukulele G-C-E-A Tuning
- Bayernhymne
- B Songs und Lieder
- Be
- Be kind to your web-footed friends
- Be Known To Us In Breaking Bread
- Be Present At Our Table, Lord
- Be Still, My Soul
- Be Thou My Vision
- Beams Of Heaven As I Go
- Beautiful Brown Eyes
- Beautiful Dreamer
- Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere
- Beautiful Savior
- Because Thou Hast Said
- Bedlam
- Before The Lord We Bow
- Before Thy Throne, O God, We Kneel
- Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme
- Behold a Branch is Growing
- Behold The Amazing Gift Of Love
- Behold The Throne Of Grace
- Behüt dich Gott es wär zu schön gewesen
- Bei der Nacht um halbe zehne
- Bei einem Wirte wundermild da war ich jüngst zu Gaste
- Bei Müllers hats gebrannt
- Beim Kronenwirt
- Bekannte klassische Melodien A-Z
- Bekränzt mit Laub
- Belfast Mountains
- Bella bimba
- Bella ciao
- Bella ciao – Dance-Version
- Bella Ciao | Musik Video von Ferdinand Hirsch
- Bella ciao Questa mattina
- Belle qui tiens ma vie
- Beloved, Let Us Love
- Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
- Berceuse de Brahms
- Bergvagabunden sind wir
- Berlin ist eine schöne Stadt jupheidi jupheida
- Bettelmanns Hochzeit
- Better Times Are Coming
- Betty Botter
- Beulah Land
- Bewegungslieder A-Z
- B Songs und Lieder
- Bi
- Bi Ba Butzemann
- Bier her Bier her oder ich fall um juchhe
- Big hugs and kisses
- Big Rock Candy Mountain
- Bill Bailey
- Bill Grogan’s Goat
- Bill Grogan’s Goat
- Billy Boy Billy Boy Oh where have you been
- Billy Taylor
- Billy The Kid | I’ll sing you a true song of Billy the Kid
- Birthday Songs A-Z
- Bl
- Black Is the Color
- Black is the Color of My True Love’s Hair
- Blackbirds and Thrushes
- Blackwaterside
- Blankensteinhusar
- Bless The Lord, O My Soul
- Bless Thou The Gifts
- Bless, O My Soul, The Living God
- Blessed Assurance
- Blessed Assurance
- Blessed Be The Name
- Blessed Jesus, At Your Word
- Blessed night
- Blessed Quietness
- Blessed Redeemer
- Blessing and Honor
- Blest Are The Pure In Heart
- Blest Be The Dear Uniting Love
- Blest Be The Tie That Binds
- Blest Be the Tie That Binds
- Blood on the Saddle
- Blow Boys Blow
- Blow the Candles Out
- Blow the Man Down
- Blow the Wind Southerly
- Blow Wind Blow
- Blow Ye The Trumpet Blow
- Blow Ye Winds Blow
- Blue Skies
- Blue Tail Fly
- Blues-Songs
- Blues-Songs A-Z
- Blumenwalzer Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowski
- Blumenwalzer Tschaikowski
- B Songs und Lieder
- Bo
- Bobby Shaftoe
- Bobby Shaftoe’s Gone To The Sea
- Bodenseelied
- Bog się rodzi
- Bold Dickie
- Bold Nelson s Praise
- Boldog szuletesnapot or Isten eltessen
- Boldog szuletesnapot or Isten eltessen
- Bolle reiste jüngst zu Pfingsten
- Bona nox Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Bona Nox Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Boney Was A Warrior
- Boney’s Lamentation
- Bonhomme bonhomme
- Bonnie Blue Flag
- Bonnie Jean
- Bonny Light Horseman
- Boom Boom Ain’t It Great To Be Crazy
- Botany Bay
- Bought Me A Cat
- Bound for the Promised Land
- Bound for the Rio Grande
- Bourrée Bach
- Bourrée von Johann Sebastian Bach Gitarren Tabulatur
- Bow Down Thine Ear, Almighty Lord
- B Songs und Lieder
- Br
- Brahms’ Lullaby
- Bread Of Heaven, On Thee I Feed
- Bread of the World in mercy broken
- Break Thou The Bread Of Life
- Breathe On Me, Breath Of God
- Brennan on the Moor
- Brethren, We Have Met To Worship
- Brich an du helles Morgenlicht
- Brich an du schönes Morgenlicht
- Brighten The Corner Where You Are
- Brimbledon Fair
- Bring a Torch Jeanette Isabella
- Bring Them In
- Bring us in good ale
- Bring Your Vessels, Not A Few
- Bringing In The Sheaves
- Brisbane Ladies
- Britons Strike Home
- Brother’s Revenge
- Brown’s Ferry Blues
- Bruder Jakob
- Bruder Jakob schläfst du noch
- Brüder reicht die Hand zum Bunde
- Brüder zur Sonne zur Freiheit
- Brüderchen komm tanz mit mir beide Hände reich’ ich dir
- Brüderlein fein
B Songs und Lieder
- Bu
- Buffalo Boy
- Buffalo Gals
- Built On The Rock The Church Doth Stand
- Bunt sind schon die Wälder gelb die Stoppelfelder
- Buon Compleanno
- By
- Bye Baby Bunting
- Songs und Lieder A-Z
- Songs Themen A-Z
- Empfehlungen A-Z
- Gitarrenlexikon
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