- C
- C C Rider
- C-a-f-f-e-e Caffee Kaffee
- C’est la mère Michel qui a perdu son chat
- Ca
- Ca ca geschmauset
- Cadet Rousselle
- Calgicilar
- Call all hands to man the capstan
- Campanita del lugar
- Camptown Races
- Can of Grog
- Canadian Boat Song
- Canon in D-Dur Johann Pachelbel
- Canzone del poveretto
- Captain Kidd
- Captain Wedderburn’s Courtship
- Careless Love
- Carol for Christmas day
- Carol for Christmas eve
- Carol for new year’s day
- Carol of The Bells
- Carrickfergus
- C Songs und Lieder
- Ce
- Certainly Lord
- Ch
- Chämifäger schwarze Ma
- Channels Only
- Charlie is my Darling
- Che baccan
- Chesapeake and Shannon
- Chester
- Chestit Rojden Den
- Chevaliers de la table ronde
- Chief Of Sinners Though I Be
- Children Of The Heavenly Father
- Christ Arose
- Christ For The World We Sing
- Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation
- Christ Jesus Lay In Death’s Strong Hands
- Christ Of The Upward Way
- Christ Receiveth Sinful Men
- Christ Returneth
- Christ The Lord Is Risen Again
- Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
- Christ Was Born on Christmas Day
- Christ, From Whom All Blessings Flow
- Christ, The Life Of All The Living
- Christ, We Do All Adore Thee
- Christ, Whose Glory Fills The Skies
- Christians awake
- Christkind
- Christkindelein
- Christliche Lieder A.-Z
- Christmas Carols A-Z
- Christmas day
- Christmas in the old man’s hat
- Christmas night
- Christmas Songs A-Z
- Chumm mir wei ga Chrieseli gwünne
- Church In The Wildwood
- C Songs und Lieder
- Ci
- Cicha Noc
- Cicha noc święta noc
- Cielito lindo
- Cindy
- Cl
- Clair De Lune Claude Debussy
- Clap Clap Clap Your Hands
- Cleanse Me
- Clementine
- Climbing Over Rocky Mountain
- Close To Thee
- Clouds | Musik Video von Ferdinand Hirsch
- Co
- Cock Robin
- Cockles And Mussels
- Colorado Trail
- Come All Ye Young Sailormen
- Come all you fair and tender ladies
- Come And Dine
- Come and go with me
- Come by the hills
- Come Down, O Love Divine
- Come Follow Me
- Come Here Fellow Servant
- Come Holy Spirit Heavenly Dove
- Come let us all sweet Carol sing
- Come Loose Every Sail to the Breeze
- Come Sing, Ye Choirs Exultant
- Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
- Come To Calvary’s Holy Mountain
- Come to the Hills
- Come tune your heart
- Come With Us, O Blessed Jesus
- Come, All Ye Young Sailormen
- Come, And Let Us Sweetly Join
- Come, Christian men, let all rejoice
- Come, Christians, Join To Sing
- Come, Dearest Lord, Descend And Dwell
- Come, Gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove
- Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest
- Come, Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire
- Come, Holy Spirit, Dove Divine
- Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove
- Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs
- Come, Let Us Join Our Friends Above
- Come, Let Us Use The Grace Divine
- Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life
- Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown
- Come, old and young
- Come, Sinners, To The Gospel Feast
- Come, Thou Almighty King
- Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus
- Come, We That Love The Lord
- Come, Ye Disconsolate
- Come, Ye Faithful, Raise The Strain
- Come, ye lofty
- Come, Ye Sinners, Poor And Needy
- Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
- Come, Ye That Know And Fear The Lord
- Commit Whatever Grieves Thee
- Constantly Abiding
- Cooley’s reel
- Corrine Corrina
- Cotton-Eyed Joe
- Count Your Blessings
- Courting In The Kitchen
- Coventry carol
- Covered By The Blood
- Cowboy Bill
- Cowboy Jack
- Cowboy Western Songs A-Z
- C Songs und Lieder
- Cr
- Craigieburn Wood
- Crawdad Song
- Creator Spirit, By Whose Aid
- Cross Of Jesus, Cross Of Sorrow
- Crown Him With Many Crowns
- Cs
- Csendes éj szentséges éj
- Csija buja
- Cu
- C Songs und Lieder
C Songs und Lieder
- Curragh of Kildare
- Songs und Lieder A-Z
- Songs Themen A-Z
- Empfehlungen A-Z
- Gitarrenlexikon
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