Boom Boom Ain't It Great To Be Crazy


Boom Boom Ain’t It Great To Be Crazy

Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be crazy?
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be nuts like us?
Silly and foolish all day long.
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be crazy?

1. A horse and a flea and three blind mice
sat on a tombstone, shooting dice.
The horse he slipped and fell on the flea.
Whoops!” said the flea, “there’s a horsie on me!
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be crazy?
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be nuts like us?
Silly and foolish all day long.
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be crazy?

2. Way down south where the cotton grows,
a cockroach stepped on an elephant’s toes.
The elephant said with tears in his eyes,
Why don’t you pick on someone your size?
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be crazy?
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be nuts like us?
Silly and foolish all day long.
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be crazy?

3. A man bought a pair of combination underwear.
Wore ’em nine years without a tear.
Had to take ’em off ‘cuz he got an irritation.
Couldn’t get ’em off, ’cause he lost the combination.
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be crazy?
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be nuts like us?
Silly and foolish all day long.
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be crazy?

4. Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.
Fuzzy Wuzzy cut his hair.
So, Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy.
No, by Jove, he wasn’t, wuz he?
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be crazy?
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be nuts like us?
Silly and foolish all day long.
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be crazy?

5. Up in the north and a long way off,
a donkey got the whooping cough.
He coughed so hard, his head fell off.
Up in the north and a long way off.
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be crazy?
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be nuts like us?
Silly and foolish all day long.
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be crazy?

6. Ee-i, ee-i, ee-i sox.
A dollar for a pair and a nickel for a box.
The longer you wear ’em, the shorter they get.
Put ’em in the washer and they don’t get wet!
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be crazy?
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be nuts like us?
Silly and foolish all day long.
Boom-boom, ain’t it great to be crazy?




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