Botany Bay

Botany Bay

1. Farewell to old England the beautiful!
Farewell to my old pals as well!
Farewell to the famous Old Baily
Where I used to cut such a swell.
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, addity,
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, ay,
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, addity,
And we’re bound for Botany Bay.

2. It’s seven long years I been serving,
It’s seven I got for to stay,
For beatin’ a cop down our alley
An’ takin’ his truncheon away.
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, addity,
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, ay,
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, addity,
And we’re bound for Botany Bay.

3. There’s the captain what is our commander,
The bos’n an’ all the ship’s crew,
The married and also the single ones
Knows what us poor convicts goes through.
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, addity,
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, ay,
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, addity,
And we’re bound for Botany Bay.

4. It ain’t that they don’t give us grub enough,
It ain’t that they don’t give us clothes;
It’s all ’cause we light-fingered gentry
Goes about with a chain on our toes.
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, addity,
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, ay,
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, addity,
And we’re bound for Botany Bay.

5. O had I the wings of a turtle dove,
I’d spread out my pinions and fly
Into the arms of my Polly love
And on her soft bosom I’d lie.
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, addity,
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, ay,
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, addity,
And we’re bound for Botany Bay.

6. Now all you young viscounts and duchesses
Take warning by what I do say,
And mind it’s all yours what you touches-es
Or you’ll land down in Botany Bay.
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, addity,
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, ay,
Singing too-ral-li, oo-ral-li, addity,
And we’re bound for Botany Bay.

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