Buffalo Boy

Buffalo Boy

1. When are we gonna get married,
married, married?
When are we gonna get married,
my dear old buffalo boy?

2. I guess we’ll marry next Sunday, Sunday, Sunday
I guess we’ll marry next Sunday,
that’s if the weather be good.

3. How will you come to the wedding, wedding, wedding?
How will you come to the wedding,
my dear old buffalo boy?

4. I guess I’ll come in my oxcart, oxcart, oxcart.
I guess I’ll come in my oxcart,
that’s if the weather be good.

5. Why don’t you come in your buggy, buggy, buggy?
Why don’t you come in your buggy,
my dear old buffalo boy?

6. My ox won’t fit in my buggy, buggy, buggy.
My ox won’t fit in my buggy,
even if the weather be good.

7. Who will you bring to the wedding, wedding, wedding?
Who will you bring to the wedding,
dear old buffalo boy?

8. I guess I’ll bring my children, children, children.
I guess I’ll bring my children,
that’s if the weather be good.

9. I didn’t know you had no children, children, children.
I didn’t know you had no children,
my dear old buffalo boy.

10. Oh, yes, I have five children, children, children.
Oh, yes, I have five children,
six if the weather be good.

11. There ain’t gonna be no wedding, wedding, wedding.
There ain’t gonna be no wedding,
even if the weather be good.

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