Billy Boy -

D Guitar-Chords - A Guitar-Chords - B Guitar-Chords - E Guitar-Chords - G Guitar-Chords -


Oh, D where have you been,
Billy A7 Boy, Billy D Boy?
Oh, where have you Bm* been,
Charming E7 Billy? A7
I have been to seek a wife,
She’s the D idol of my life.
G She’s a D young thing,
and A7 cannot leave her D mother.


1. Oh, where have you been,
Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
Oh, where have you been,
Charming Billy?
I have been to seek a wife,
She’s the idol of my life.
She’s a young thing,
And cannot leave her mother.

2. Did she bid you to come in,
Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
Did she bid you to come in,
Charming Billy?
Yes, she bade me to come in,
And to kiss her on the chin.
She’s a young thing,
And cannot leave her mother.

3. Did she take your hat,
Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
Did she take your hat,
Charming Billy?
Yes, she took my hat,
And she threw it at the cat.
She’s a young thing,
And cannot leave her mother.

4. Can she bake a cherry pie,
Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
Can she bake a cherry pie,
Charming Billy?
She can bake a cherry pie,
Quick’s a cat can wink her eye.
She’s a young thing,
And cannot leave her mother.

5. How old may she be,
Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
How old may she be,
Charming Billy?
Three times six and four times seven,
Twenty eight and eleven,
She’s a young thing,
And cannot leave her mother.

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