The Saucy Sailor Boy

1. He was a saucy sailor boy
Who’d come from afar,
To ask a maid to be the bride
Of a poor Jack tar.

2. The maiden, a poor fisher girl,
Stood close by his side;
With scornful look she answered thus;
I’ll not be your bride.

3. You’re mad to think I’d marry you
Too ragged you are;
Begone, you saucy sailor boy,
Begone you Jack tar.

4. I’ve money in my pocket, love,
And bright gold in store;
These clothes of mine are all in rags,
But coin can buy more.

5. Though black my hands my gold is clean
So I’ll sail afar,
A fairer maid than you, I ween,
Will wed this Jack tar.

6. Stay! Stay! you saucy sailor boy,
Do not sail afar;
I love you and will marry you,
You silly Jack tar.

7. ‘Twas but to tease I answered so,
I thought you could guess
That when a maiden answers no
She always means yes.

8. Begone you pretty fisher girl,
Too artful are you;
So spake the saucy sailor boy,
Gone was her Jack tar.

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