The Saucy sailor

1. “Come, my fair est,
come and tell unto me:
Will you mar ry a poor sailor boy,
who has just come from sea?”

2. “You are ragged, sir,
you are dirty, and smell so strong of tar.
Begone, you dirty sailor boy!
Begone, you Jack of tar!”

3. “Though I’m ragged, miss,
though I’m dirty, and smell so strong of tar,
I have pockets filled with silver,
love, and gold laid up in store.”

4. Soon as these words were spoken,
down on her knees she fell,
Saying, “Forgive me, noble sailor!
I love the sailor well.”

5. “I will cross o’er the briny ocean,
where the meadows grow so green;
But since you refused my offer,
miss, another shall wear the ring.”

6. “You may cross o’er the briny ocean,
where the meadows grow so green;
But since I refused your offer,
sir, another may wear the ring.”