The Knight and the Shepherd’s Daughter
1. It’s of a pretty shepherdess
Kept sheep all on the plain;
Who should ride by but Knight William
And he was drunk with wine.
Line, twine, the willow the the dee.
2. You’ve stolen all my heart, young sir,
Yourself you are to blame;
So if your vows are made in truth
Pray tell to me your name.
Line, twine, the willow the the dee.
3. O some do call me Jack, he said,
And some do call me John;
But when I’m in the fair king’s court
My name is Sweet William.
Line, twine, the willow the the dee.
4. He mounted on his milk white steed
And away then he did ride;
She tied a handkerchief round her waist
And rode by the horse’s side.
Line, twine, the willow the the dee.
5. She rode till she came to the river’s side
She fell on her belly and swam;
And when she came to the other side
She took to her heels and ran.
Line, twine, the willow the the dee.
6. She ran till she came to the king’s fair court
She pull-ed at the ring:
There was none so ready as the king himself
To let this fair maid in.
Line, twine, the willow the the dee.
7. Good morning to you, my pretty maid.
Good morning, sir, said she;
You have a knight all in your court
This day as a-robbed me.
Line, twine, the willow the the dee.
8. O has he robbed you of your gold,
Or any of your fee?
Or has he robbed you of the rarest branch
That grows in your body?
Line, twine, the willow the the dee.
9. He has not robbed me of my gold,
Nor any of my fee;
But he has robbed me of the rarest branch
That grows in my body.
Line, twine, the willow the the dee.
10. He’s twenty pounds for you, he said,
All wrapped in a glove;
And twenty pounds for you, he said,
To seek some other love.
Line, twine, the willow the the dee.
11. I will not have your twenty pounds,
Nor any of your fee;
But I will have the king’s fair knight
This day to marry me.
Line, twine, the willow the the dee.
12. The king called up his merry men all,
By one, by tow, by three –
Young William once the foremost was,
But now behind came he.
Line, twine, the willow the the dee.
13. Accurs’ed be that very hour
That I got drunk by wine.
To have the farmer’s daughter here
To be a true love of mine!
Line, twine, the willow the the dee.
14. If I a farmer’s daughter am
Pray leave me all alone;
If you make a lady of a thousand lands
I can make thee lord of ten.
Line, twine, the willow the the dee.
15. The dog shall eat the flour you sowed,
And thou shalt eat the bran’
I’ll make thee rue the day and hour
That ever thou wast born.
Line, twine, the willow the the dee.
16. He mounted on his milk-white steed,
And she on her pony grey;
He threw the bugle round his neck
And together they rode away.
Line, twine, the willow the the dee.
17. The very next town that they came to
The wedding bells did ring;
And the very next church that they came to
There was a gay wedding.
Line, twine, the willow the the dee.