The Lost Child

The Lost Child

Upon the wild I met a child
Whose steps had gone astray;
I dried his tears, I calmed his fears
And led him on his way.
His eyes were bright with heavenly light,
His voice rose sweet and gay.
I`ve never heard from any bird
A more enchanting lay.

Thus hand in hand across the land
We passed, that boy and I,
And many a flow`r from bank and bow`r
We plucked as we went by;
Till, as we sung the woods among,
He paused with sudden cry,
For through the leaves his cottage eaves
With joy he did es py.

It wrung my heart that we should part!
The boy divined my pain;
His arms he wound my neck around
Till I to weep was fain.
He kissed me twice, he kissed me thrice,
My tears ran down like rain,
For well I knew his eyes of blue
I ne`er should greet again.

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