The Trappan’d Maiden

Five years served I, under Master Guy,
In the land of Virginny-o
Which made me for to know sorrow, grief and woe,
When that I was weary, weary, weary-o.

When my dame says go, then I must do so,
In the land of Virginny-o,
When she sits at meat, then I have none to eat,
When that I was weary, weary, weary-o.

As soon as it is day, to work I must away,
In the land of Virginny-o
Then my dame she knocks, with her tinder box,
When that I was weary, weary, weary-o.

I have played my part, both at plow and cart,
In the land of Virginny-o
Billets from the wood upon my back they load,
When that I was weary, weary, weary-o.

A thousand woes beside, that I do here abide,
In the land of Virginny-o
In misery I spend my time that hath no end,
When that I was weary, weary, weary-o.