One Finger One Thumb
One finger, one thumb, keep moving.One finger, one thumb, keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, keep moving.
And we’ll all be happy today.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, keep moving.
And we’ll all be happy today.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, keep moving.
And we’ll all be happy and today.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
Keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
Keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
Keep moving.
And we’ll all be happy today.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
One nod of the head, keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
One nod of the head, keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
One nod of the head, keep moving.
And we’ll all be happy and today.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
One nod of the head, then turn around, keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
One nod of the head, then turn around, keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
One nod of the head, then turn around, keep moving.
And we’ll all be happy today.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
One nod of the head, then turn around,
And get outta bed, keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
One nod of the head, then turn around,
And get outta bed, keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, one arm, one leg,
One nod of the head, then turn around,
And get outta bed, keep moving.
And we’ll all be happy and today.