Haul on the Bowline

Haul on the Bowline

1. Haul on the bowlin,
The fore and maintop bowlin,
Haul on the bowlin,
The bowlin’ haul!

2. Haul on the bowlin,
The packet is a-rollin’,
Haul on the bowlin,
The bowlin’ haul!

3. Haul on the bowlin,
The skipper he’s a-growlin’,
Haul on the bowlin,
The bowlin’ haul!

4. Haul on the bowlin,
To London we are goin’,
Haul on the bowlin,
The bowlin’ haul!

5. Haul on the bowlin,
The good ship is a-bowlin’,
Haul on the bowlin,
The bowlin’ haul!

6. Haul on the bowlin,
The main-topgallant bowlin’,
Haul on the bowlin,
The bowlin’ haul!

7. Haul on the bowlin,
The bowlin’ haul!
Haul on the bowlin,
The bowlin’ haul!

8. Haul on the bowlin,
Kitty is me darling.
Haul on the bowlin,
The bowlin’ haul!

9. Haul on the bowlin,
Kitty lives in Liverpool,
Haul on the bowlin,
The bowlin’ haul!

10. Haul on the bowlin,
Kitty’s on the game again,
Haul on the bowlin,
The bowlin’ haul!

11. Haul on the bowlin,
The old man is a howling,
Haul on the bowlin,
The bowlin’ haul!

12. Haul on the bowlin,
The bloody ship’s a rolling,
Haul on the bowlin,
The bowlin’ haul!

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