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Admiral Benbow

1. Come, all you sailors bold, lend an ear, lend an ear,
Come, all you sailors bold, lend an ear, lend an ear, It’s
of our Admiral’s fame, Brave Benbow call’d by name, how he
fought on the main, you shall hear. You shall hear.

2. Brave Benbow he set  sail for to fight, for to fight, brave
Ben-bow he set sail for to fight, for to fight. Brave
Ben-bow he set sail, with a fine and plea-sant gale, But his
cap-tains they turn’d tail in a fright, in a fright.

3. Says Kirby unto Wade,” I will run, I will run,” Says
Kirby unto Wade,” I will run, I will run,” I
value not disgrace, Nor the losing of my place, My
enemies I’ll not face with a gun, with a gun.”

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