What Must a Fairy’s Dream Be?
What must a Fairy’s dream be,Who drinks of the morning dew?
Would she think to fly till she reach’d the sky
And bathe in its lakes of blue
Or gather bright pearls from the depths of the sea
What must the dream of a fairy be?
What must a fairy’s dream be,
Who sleeps when the Mermaid sings?
Would she rob the night of her jewels bright,
To spangle her silv’ry wings?
Rock ‘don the wind ‘bove the land and the sea,
What can the dream of a fairy be?
What must a Fairy’s dream be
When storms in their anger cry?
Would she madly chase in the winds embrace,
The lightning gleaming by,
Or seize on its flash with a child-like glee,
What must the dream of a Fairy be?
What must a fairy’s dream be
When mid-summer breezes play?
Would she proudly sail on the perfum’d gale
To welcome the dawn of day?
I know that her visions are sportive and free.–
What must the dream of a Fairy be?