Scottish folk music
- A
- A Druid Of The Isles
- A Fairy`s Love Song
- A Highland Lad My Love Was Born
- A Rosebud by my Early Walk
- Ae Fond Kiss
- Aignish On The Machair
- Alister Son Of coll The Splendid
- Altar Isle O`The Sea
- Annie Laurie
- Auld Lang Syne
- Ay Waukin’ O!
- B
- Birds at the fairy fulling
- Bonnie Jean
- Braw, Braw Lads
- C
- Comin’ Thro’ the Rye
- Craigieburn Wood
- F
- Flow Gently Sweet Afton
- G
- Green Grow the Rashes, O
- H
- Highland Mary
- Hurree hurroo
- I
- I’m Owre Young to Marry Yet
- L
- Last May, a Braw Wooer
- Loch Lomond
- Lord Gregory
- M
- MacPherson`s Farewell
- My Heart’s in the Highlands
- My love is like a red red rose
- My Tocher’s the Jewel X
- My Wife’s a Winsome Wee Thing
- O
- O Whistle an’ I’ll Come to You
- O Willie Brew’d a Peck o’ Maut
- S
- Scotland The Brave
- Scots, Wha Hae
- She’s Fair and Fause
- T
- Tam Glen
- The Deil’s Awa’ wi’ th’ Exciseman
- The Gallant Weaver
- The Gloomy Night
- The Highland Widow’s Lament
- The Seagull Of The Land-Under-Waves
- There was a Lad was Born in Kyle
- To the Weavers Gin Ye Go
- U
- Ullapool Sailors`s Song
- W
- Wandering Willie
- What can a YoungLassie do wi’an AuldMan?
- Whistle o’er the Lave o’t
- Y
- Ye Banks and Braes
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