How Great Thou

How Great Thou

O great God, when I look at that world
As you have created with your word of omnipotence,
How your wisdom guides the threads of life,
And all beings are saturated at your table:
Then the soul bursts forth into praise:
O great God, O great God!
Then the soul bursts forth into praise:
O great God, O great God!

When I consider the high wonders of heaven,
There golden world ships plow the ether blue,
And sun and moon measure the moments of time
And switch, as two bells go:
Then the soul bursts forth into praise:
O great God, O great God!
Then the soul bursts forth into praise:
O great God, O great God!

When I hear the voice of thunder in the storm roaring
And the blades of lightning run out of the sky,
When the cold, fresh winds of the rain whistle
And the bow of the promise shines for my sight:
Then the soul bursts forth into praise:
O great God, O great God!
Then the soul bursts forth into praise:
O great God, O great God!

When the summer wind blows over the fields,
When flowers smell around the source beach,
When thrushes tease in the green tents
From the quiet, dark stripe of the pine forest:
Then the soul bursts forth into praise:
O great God, O great God!
Then the soul bursts forth into praise:
O great God, O great God!

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