Horsey Horsey

Horsey horsey, don’t you stop
Just let your feet go clippetty clop
Your tail goes swish
And the wheels go round
Giddy up, we’re homeward bound.

Farmer Grey’s got a one horse shay
He takes to town
on market day
Coming home when
the lights are low
He sings his song
as away they go.
You don’t need the whip
no goodness knows
You don’t need the whip
so I’ll take a doze alright
We ain’t in a hustle,
We ain’t in a bustle
So don’t go tearing up the road
We ain’t in a hurry,
We ain’t in a flurry
And we ain’t got a heavy load

Horsey, Horsey don’t you stop
Just let your feet go clippetty clop
Your tail goes swish
And the wheels go round
Giddy up we’re homeward bound.

Horsey horsey on your way
We’ve done that journey many a day
Your tail goes swish
And the wheels go round
Giddy up we’re homeward bound.
You don’t need the whip
No goodness knows
You don’t need the whip
So I’ll take a little doze alright
We ain’t in a hustle,
We ain’t in a bustle
So don’t go tearing up the road
We ain’t in a hurry,
We ain’t in a flurry
And we ain’t got a heavy load
Horsey horsey on your way
We’ve done
this journey many a day
Your tail goes swish
And the wheels go round
Giddy up we’re homeward bound.

Horsey horsey, don’t you stop
Just let your feet
go clippetty clop
Your tail goes swish
And the wheels go round
Giddy up, we’re homeward bound.
You don’t need the whip
no goodness knows
You don’t need the whip
so I’ll take a doze alright

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