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Hallelujah I’m a bum

D Oh, why don’t I work
like other men do?
How the D hell can I work
when the Askies are so blue?
Hallelu- D jah! I’m a bum,
Hallelujah bum a- Again,
Halle- D lujah! give us a handout
and re- A7 vive us a- D gain


1. Oh, why don’t I work like other men do?
How the hell can I work when the skies are so blue?
Hallelujah! I’m a bum, Hallelujah bum again,
Hallelujah! give us a handout and revive us again

2. Oh, I love my boss and my boss loves me,
And that is the reason I’m so hungry
Hallelujah! I’m a bum, Hallelujah bum again,
Hallelujah! give us a handout and revive us again

3. Oh, the springtime has come and I’m just out of jail,
Without any money, without any bail
Hallelujah! I’m a bum, Hallelujah bum again,
Hallelujah! give us a handout and revive us again

4. I went to a house and I knocked on the door;
A lady came out, says, “You been here before”
Hallelujah! I’m a bum, Hallelujah bum again,
Hallelujah! give us a handout and revive us again

5. I went to a house, and I asked for some bread;
A lady came out, says, “The baker is dead”
Hallelujah! I’m a bum, Hallelujah bum again,
Hallelujah! give us a handout and revive us again

6. When springtime does come, oh won’t we have fun,
We’ll throw up our jobs and we’ll go on the bum
Hallelujah! I’m a bum, Hallelujah bum again,
Hallelujah! give us a handout and revive us again

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