Fair and Tender Ladies - www.SongsGuitar.com

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Fair and Tender Ladies

A Come all ye E7 fair A and tender E7 la- A dies
Take warning E7 how you A court young D men
They’re E7 like a A star on a E7 summer A morning
They first D appear and A then they’re E7 gone


1. Come all ye fair and tender ladies
Take warning how you court young men
They’re like a star on a summer morning
They first appear and then they’re gone

2. They’ll tell to you some lovin’ story
And make you think they love you well
Then away they’ll go and court some other
And leave you there in grief to dwell

3. If I had known before I courted
That love had been so hard to win
I’d locked my heart with the keys of golden
And pinned it down with a silver pin

4. I wish I was a little sparrow
And I had wings to fly so high
I’d fly away to my false true lover
And when he’d ask I would deny

5. But I am not a little sparrow,
I have no wings, neither can I fly
So I’ll sit down to weep in sorrow,
And try to pass my troubles on by

6. Love is handsome, love is charming
And love is pretty while it’s new
But love grows cold as love grows older
And fades away like morning dew

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