Am I A Soldier Of The Cross

1 Am I a soldier of the cross,
a foll’wer of the Lamb,
and shall I fear to own His cause,
or blush to speak His name?

2 Must I be carried to the skies
on flow’ry beds of ease,
while others fought to win the prize,
and sailed thro’ bloody seas?

3 Are there no foes for me to face?
Must I not stem the flood?
Is this vile world a friend to grace,
to help me on to God?

4 Sure I must fight, if I would reign;
increase my courage, Lord!
I’ll bear the toil, endure the pain,
supported by Thy word.

5 The saints in all this glorious war
shall conquer, though they die;
they see the triumph from afar
by faith’s discerning eye.

6 When that illustrious day shall rise,
and all Thine armies shine
in robes of vict’ry thro’ the skies,
the glory shall be Thine.

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