Altar Isle O`The Sea


Altar Isle O`The Sea

Eilean Rùm, Eilean Rùm,
Eilean Rùm, mochree,
Evver haunt I the Byàllach,
Gazing outward to sea,
Floating clouds lie above,
Floating Coolins below,
Tirnanog o` my heart,
Floats my dream to thy glow.

Ever floating, ever floating,
ever floating by thee,
Are white clouds of incense,
Altar Isle o` the sea,
Like incense of love,
Rising out of the gloom,
Are the mist wreaths that float
on thy blue peaks, O Rùm,

Eilean Rùm, Eilean Rùm,
Eilean Rùm, mochree,
Sure a vow I am making,
Altar Isle o` the sea,
Floatingmistwreaths above,
Floating Coolins below,
Tirnanog o` my heart,
Glides my dream to thy glow.


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