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A Child is born in Bethlehem

A Child is born in Bethlehem,
in Beth- le- hem.
And gladness fills Je- ru- sa- lem,
Alle- lujah, al- le- lu- jah!


A Child is born in Bethlehem,
The Joy of all Jerusalem.
Alle, Alleluia!

The Child that in the manger lies,
Manger lies,
Forever reigns above the skies.
Alle, Alleluia!

The ox and donkey bring Him laud,
Bring Him laud,
For well they know the Lord their God.
Alle, Alleluia!

The kings from Sheba journey there,
Journey there,
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh they bear.
Alle, Alleluia!

His mother is the virgin maid,
Virgin maid,
Who gave Him birth with no man’s aid.
Alle, Alleluia!

The Serpent could not poison Him,
Poison Him,
He’s joined our race, yet without sin.
Alle, Alleluia!

As to the flesh He is our kin,
Is our kin,
And yet unlike us as to sin.
Alle, Alleluia!

Like unto Him we thus are wrought,
Thus are wrought,
And back into God’s kingdom brought.
Alle, Alleluia!

For such a season, rich in grace,
Rich in grace,
To God forevermore be praise!
Alle, Alleluia!

Praise to the Holy Trinity,
From now unto eternity!
Alle, Alleluia!

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